Actually self improvement is very difficult topic to discuss and to learn. But it is also very important to learn this topic. We can't avoid this topic in our day to day to life and ignorance may cause very effective loss for us. Such losses can not be compensated and reconstructed in life. Though it is one of the most neglected side of human being it is the most important. Actually we forget it, but everything that occurs to us and everything that we do is the result of our self. What we do at particular time and how we react to particular situations an how we behave to particular persons?
What and how we do, react is the result of our beliefs and disbelief's, which we are learning from our childhood. If person spends his/her childhood in free, warm and caring environment then he/she will be warm, loving and caring when grown up. The conditions and situations in which we spend our lives are very important for making our personality. But in contrast if person sees lots of quarrels and misbehavior during his/her childhood then this person may be different from the other who had spent his childhood in loving and caring environment.
In this world no one cares for your past life but they will ask you ready for that time. If you are clerk in a bank and if you can't keep good relations with customers, your seniors and colleagues then your career is danger! Why? If you are not behaving good with others then how can you expect others to behave with you good? That's why some people get promoted earlier than others though they are not good in their work, because relations and behavior matters always!
Some people becomes very successful and others remain at the same stage during their entire life. Some achieve high growth in their careers and some stick to the same chair for years. Why? Because these people have improved themselves according to need of time and duty. Self improvement is not only improving yourselves and your own habits but it has very large scope. Self improvement is everything about what you do, how you do, when you do and where you do.
You may see your colleague very happy in his/her life and you want you to be him! And your colleague may also feel the same. As you both can't read minds of each other so you are not able to see what is going on his/her mind? But every person and has some problems in life and everyone thinks that his/her problems are bigger and difficult than other. You can not achieve anything by thinking in this way.
Self improvement also teaches you to be you and to remain happy being you.
You will realize that the way of thinking practiced by you was wrong and you need to change. But for that you should give time for yourself.
You can put some time aside for only yourself, daily. Believe me only 10 minutes a day will work. But it requires only one thing and that is consistency. If you follow consistency in this then you will definitely see the changes in you. So what to do in this 10 minutes. It is simple and easy. Just think about yourself. What do you want to be? What you have achieved? Are you on the right way to get what you wanted? Where you failed? What can be done to recover form that failure?
Just think of these simple questions and try find answer for these questions. Self improvement requires your total involvement and it is most important part of self improvement. No one is going to improve you. No one have time to improve you. You can and only you are responsible for improving yourself.
What and how we do, react is the result of our beliefs and disbelief's, which we are learning from our childhood. If person spends his/her childhood in free, warm and caring environment then he/she will be warm, loving and caring when grown up. The conditions and situations in which we spend our lives are very important for making our personality. But in contrast if person sees lots of quarrels and misbehavior during his/her childhood then this person may be different from the other who had spent his childhood in loving and caring environment.
In this world no one cares for your past life but they will ask you ready for that time. If you are clerk in a bank and if you can't keep good relations with customers, your seniors and colleagues then your career is danger! Why? If you are not behaving good with others then how can you expect others to behave with you good? That's why some people get promoted earlier than others though they are not good in their work, because relations and behavior matters always!
Some people becomes very successful and others remain at the same stage during their entire life. Some achieve high growth in their careers and some stick to the same chair for years. Why? Because these people have improved themselves according to need of time and duty. Self improvement is not only improving yourselves and your own habits but it has very large scope. Self improvement is everything about what you do, how you do, when you do and where you do.
You may see your colleague very happy in his/her life and you want you to be him! And your colleague may also feel the same. As you both can't read minds of each other so you are not able to see what is going on his/her mind? But every person and has some problems in life and everyone thinks that his/her problems are bigger and difficult than other. You can not achieve anything by thinking in this way.
Self improvement also teaches you to be you and to remain happy being you.
You will realize that the way of thinking practiced by you was wrong and you need to change. But for that you should give time for yourself.
You can put some time aside for only yourself, daily. Believe me only 10 minutes a day will work. But it requires only one thing and that is consistency. If you follow consistency in this then you will definitely see the changes in you. So what to do in this 10 minutes. It is simple and easy. Just think about yourself. What do you want to be? What you have achieved? Are you on the right way to get what you wanted? Where you failed? What can be done to recover form that failure?
Just think of these simple questions and try find answer for these questions. Self improvement requires your total involvement and it is most important part of self improvement. No one is going to improve you. No one have time to improve you. You can and only you are responsible for improving yourself.